
Ingest product format data

  1. Create a new Google Doc spreadsheet using the product_formats template (See menu item: File > Make a Copy…). Name the new file as you deem necessary, but omit spaces (e.g., product_formats-YYYYMMDD where YYYYMMDD is today's date).

    Google Doc: File menu, Make a copy

  2. When the spreadsheet is complete (see template notes), download the data as a CSV file to your local machine. Follow the same naming convention as in step 1, but add a ".csv" extension (e.g., products-YYYYMMDD.csv).

  3. Navigate to the new ingestion form.

    Ingestion menu

  4. Select Product Formats as the ingestion type.

  5. Choose the local CSV file from step 2 to ingest.

  6. Click the "Create" button.